Tuesday, July 12, 2011

its easy as 1,2,3...

Its good to be back! I couldn't get on my blog for the LIFE of me! My computer wasnt letting me, it was annoying! Anyways! I feel like being on here makes me accountable. Even if no one reads this, its just helps.
Lately, my weight has been at a steady 125 lbs. Which is not horrible, but it is definately NOT where I want to be. I feel like im more like 150 lbs right now. Ugh I hate how much the mind plays tricks on you. Anyways, i really need to get back on track. I mean on one hand and least im not GAINING weight... but sitting here not quite at my goal weight feels awful.
I need to make a plan. It feels like the last 5-7 lbs are the hardest to get off and keep off. 7 more lbs is all i want. It may not seem that big of a deal but trust me, it certianly is!!
I haven't excerised in so long, that is probably WHY i cant lose the weight i want. DUH!! That and the fact I can't stop binging. Starting tomorrow, I am going to post EVERY single thing that i eat. TO help me be accounatble, and hopefully by seeing the list it will inspire me to eat less. I am working my way to a fast. Fingers crossed.
I have been clean and sober for almost a week. Part of me is dying to use...but i know all it will do is get me in bad places plus i cannot afford it. Ive done enough damage to my visa.
Im going to spend some time reading other blogs today to help me get motivated!
Stay strong lovlies!

1 comment:

  1. Love, being high or drunk is not the best way to have fun or to feel better...it is a lie. Don't use, you won't damage only your visa, but your body(more than it is already damaged). Trust me, i have been there and back:)
    I care about you, my little rainbow.
