Thursday, July 22, 2010

Laugh it UP Rach

Today I have decided is going to be another positive day. It sure didn't start that way though. It was one of the mornings i woke up and the FIRST thing i thought was "binge". So thats what i did this morning.
Cottage cheese, yogurt, fruit, an english muffin with butter, almonds, dried apricots, a chocolate chip cookie and oatmeal. Bleh. Back on track though. No more food for today. Drinking heaps of tea, and water. Trying to up my water intake again. I just HATE how much i have to pee haha. Oh well.

Last night, oh my. I dont even know why i was even HUNGRY this morning!! My friend ended up going to Mcdonalds before the movie. Now with S, she expects me to eat as much junk as she does because in the "old days" which she loves to live in, i ate supersized mcdonalds meal's, followed by icecream and popcorn and beef jurkey. The amount of calories i consumed last night was shamful. I purged some of it: but not enough. I dont actually feel that bad about it: its one of those things where i have to laugh at myself to keep from crying and wanting to shoot myself. so LAUGH IT UP RACH!

... i really need to weigh myself. Its been like over a week an a half now. Im like 100% positive i gained from the past few days...but i just would like to know where im at, so i can re-set my goals and such ya know?

Tonight, i have to go to "Taste of Edmonton" with my sister. Luckily i have it planned out. Ill just buy one thing and pick at it like im eating, then throw it out when shes not looking. I've dont it before so it works. Its a shame to waste money, but seriously after my morning binge i don't need any more calories.

You know what is almost impossible for me to do? Keep to my budget! I am great at planning them out, but i always end up giving into a binge urge one day and spending money i dont have on food i dont want. am i the only one who does this? But today is a new day, and i will not spend money on food. period. Only stuff from home. Which is always healthy, low fat and low cal. Theres not usually EVER junk food in our house ever since my dad had a heart attack last year. Which, im totally all for not having junk galore everywhere i turn. That way my binges at home always end up being on lettuce and broccoli:)

A quick thank you to the lovely ladies who texted me:) i won't say your real names on here, but you know who you are! I love having support a quick text away. You girls are seriously amazing!!!
PS. 2 NEW FOLLWERS!! Thank you so much "lily" and "Emily Bones"!! It means soo much you'd follow me and read my blog! you girlies are awesome!!xxxo.

mmmm another day of sunshine!! i just looked at the forcast and i those little sunshine icons never looked soooooo beautiful!!
I cant wait until im in Australia, where its always sunshine. 18 more days!!


  1. I'm so glad you are being positive today, it really works wonders.

  2. Oh my gosh, this post made me smile because it reminds me so much of myself some days. I think I might have woken up a few times in the past and just had to binge. Haha, then restrict the rest of the day...I used to spend tons of money on binge foods. Gross. I think eventually one gets tired of it, and realizes that there are lovely clothes for THIN people out there to buy instead! And you're right, ballet makes me feel so graceful! I just need to work on my coordination...Stay strong, love!

  3. You'll be back on track in no time and I know even though you aren't happy with you binge. I am happy that you fed that tummy of yours because your body does need it. I know i know we all hate to hear it. But it does. And omg I pee all the time all day long because of how much water i drink :( lol!!
    Budgets are soo hard! and yes yes i buy food a lot :(
    Our houses seem pretty similar....although there are WAY WAY WAY to many chips in this house of mine but I try to stay away from that shit and have been pretty good with it. but i love health foods. my friends all know im obsessed with broccoli and hummus and eating healthy and they just accept that. and i'll give in and allow myself treats at times last year. but ya idk hahaa :)
    are you going to blog while your in australia??

  4. BROCCOLI AND HUMMUS!! OMG I AM OBESSED WITH IT TOO!! i could seriously live off of it, no joke!
    Im glad your friends accept you are healthy, thats always a load off.
    Yes my dear I am planning to continue this blog during all of my travels. (Only when im in third world contires will i not be updating: since internet won't be availble haha)
    haha well yes my belly def. got fed today.
    stay strong sweetie

  5. like seriously i would get a huge salad bowl in the dining hall just with broccoli and put some hummus on the side hahahaa
    my friends gave me the award "most likely to steal broccoli from the dining hall" hahaa
    b/c i sooo would take broccoli and hummus and fruit and soo much shit back up to my room :) haha
    and yayy im glad you shall be still blogging when ur away :)
    :( won't be able to text much longer tho! :(

  6. hello there :) I share your problems! My friends think I'm up for going to out to eat and late night snacks (more like giant meals) all the time like I used to be and when I try to convince them to do otherwise they just don't understand.
    And also I always overspend :] I love making out budgets and pretending I'm going to stick with them lol.
    love your blog!
